Why Trust Matters

Offering trusted buy now, pay later options could help boost the confidence and buying power of Millennials and Gen Z. Discover how to leverage PayPal’s strong reputation to help drive sales.

Unlock the power of brand recognition and trust to help drive sales

Millennials and Gen Z are a coverted audience: They make up nearly 43% of the population* and act as digital trend-setters. What do they want? When it comes to online shopping, they want buy now, pay later solutions they can trust.

The trust factor

The availability of trusted buy now, pay later solutions helps boost Millennial and Gen Z confidence

  • 79% of consumers aged 18-39 rate trust as the most important factor when paying online. **
  • 71% of consumers aged 18-39 are more likely to trust businesses that offer their preferred payment method **
  • 28% of consumers aged 18-39 are more likely to shop at a merchant again if they offer a buy now, pay later option. **

Millennials and Gen Z already know and trust PayPal

Leverage our strong reputation to help reach this demographic – and drive sales.

  • 68% of Millennial and Gen Z online shoppers have used PayPal
  • 7% Average among the top 3 competing buy now, pay later providers**
  • 53% of young consumers (18-39) trust PayPal to keep their financial information secure
  • 3.7% Average among the top 6 competing buy now, pay later providers**

“PayPal is a well-known, secure brand that puts our customers’ minds at ease.” – Holly Hacker, Director of Sales and Customer Experience, Vitamix.

Learn more about why trust matters – and how to make it work for you. Call for a buy now, pay later consultation at 855-477-5687.

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