How do I reset the password for a Braintree user?

If you have the “Manage Users” role permission on Braintree, you can change passwords for other users in the Control Panel.

Here’s how to change password for a Braintree user:

  1. Log in to the Control Panel
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
  3. Click Team from the drop-down menu.
  4. Locate the user whose password you want to update.
  5. Click on the link in “Username, Name, or Email” column.
  6. Scroll to the “Authentication” section and click Change Login.
  7. Click Yes to confirm the change.
  8. The user will receive an email to reset their password or log in using their PayPal credentials.

New passwords must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 7 characters
  • Include at least 1 letter and 1 number
  • Can't be one of the last 4 previously used passwords

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