There’s a lot you may not know about PayPal. Discover how our end-to-end payment processing, powered by Braintree technology, can help power your business success.
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of enterprise Braintree merchants surveyed agree that Braintree helps their company achieve its business goals.1
Braintree has shown an increase in authorization rates by ~4 p.p. globally.2
of US Braintree users surveyed agree that Braintree makes their life easier.3
of Braintree users agree Braintree is fast and easy to integrate into existing platforms.4
of enterprise Braintree users agree Braintree has an advanced approach to minimize fraud.5
Braintree has shown a reduction in chargeback rates by 5 bps globally.2
1 B2B International, commissioned by PayPal, Nov-Dec 2021, B2B International surveyed amongst 504 mid-market and large enterprises in US, UK, and DE during November/December 2021. LE defined as merchants with annual revenue >100M; Mid-market defined as merchants with annual revenue between 20M-100M. Base N Varies: Mid-market Braintree users = 53.
2 Major global payments network and PayPal internal data analysis from transactions over a 12-month period from Q4 2020-Q3 2021 in 8 markets (US, UK, DE, AU, FR, IT, ES, CA) across 12 verticals. Does not include transactions from domestic schemes (e.g. Cartes Bancaires, EFTPOS). Composite results weighted across countries (excl. CA) based on size of 2021 digital commerce markets, sourced from Euromonitor.
3 B2B International, commissioned by PayPal, Nov-Dec 2021, B2B International surveyed amongst 504 mid-market and large enterprises in US, UK, and DE during November/December 2021. LE defined as merchants with annual revenue >100M; Mid-market defined as merchants with annual revenue between 20M-100M. Base N Varies: US Braintree users = 60.
4 B2B International, commissioned by PayPal, Nov-Dec 2021, B2B International surveyed amongst 504 mid-market and large enterprises in US, UK, and DE during November/December 2021. LE defined as merchants with annual revenue >100M; Mid-market defined as merchants with annual revenue between 20M-100M. Base N: Merchants using Braintree = 104.
5 B2B International, commissioned by PayPal, Nov-Dec 2021, B2B International surveyed amongst 504 mid-market and large enterprises in US, UK, and DE during November/December 2021. LE defined as merchants with annual revenue >100M; Mid-market defined as merchants with annual revenue between 20M-100M. Base N: LE Merchants using Braintree = 51.