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What's PayPal Package tracking?

PayPal's package tracking service is a new feature in the PayPal app. It can provide live updates and notifications for things you shop for and get shipped.

How does Package tracking comply with the Google API Services User Data Policy?

PayPal’s use and transfer of information received from Google APIs for package tracking will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including its Limited Use requirements.

How does Package tracking comply with Google’s Limited Use requirements?

  • Humans are generally prohibited from reading data received from the Google API.
  • No advertising uses: data received from the Google API cannot be sold to advertising platforms or data brokers or otherwise used for serving ads.

Are there third-party vendors?

PayPal may use one or more third-party vendors to assist in processing and displaying package-tracking information. Any information gathered through or shared with third-party vendors will be used solely for package tracking purposes.

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