Pay in 3 is a form of credit, so carefully consider whether the purchase is affordable and how you will make the repayments. Be aware of the possible impact of using Pay in 3 and of missing payments, including making other borrowing more difficult or more expensive. You may find our Spend Smarter Guide helpful.
Picnic Essentials
Gardening Essentials
Outdoor Fun
If you have any questions about PayPal Pay in 3, please visit our FAQ pages.
All in 3 simple steps
1.Check out with PayPal. 2.Choose "Pay in 3" and complete your purchase. 3.Make the first payment now, the rest in two payments every month on the same date.
*Pay in 3 is a form of credit, so carefully consider whether the purchase is affordable and how you will make the repayments. Be aware of the possible impact of using Pay in 3 and of missing payments, including making other borrowing more difficult or more expensive. Pay in 3 eligibility is subject to status and approval. 18+ UK residents only. See product terms for more details. You can use Pay in 3 on purchases £30 - £2,000.