Sign up to Pay After Delivery and choose it as your way to pay at checkout.


We’ll pay the seller instantly.


We’ll only request payment from your bank account 14 days later.

How it works.

When you select Pay After Delivery at checkout, we’ll pay the seller instantly – but you won’t pay anything for 14 days, giving you time to receive your item before you pay for it. We’ll send you a reminder email before we debit the money to help you keep track of your payments.

Peace of mind.

If your delivery doesn’t arrive at all, or it’s not what you expected, you are covered for eligible items with PayPal Buyer Protection, and you can get your money back, including postage, if you report a problem within 180 days. See Buyer Protection.

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Pay After Delivery may not be available for all your PayPal purchases including cross border payments. It will take 3 business days for the money to be debited from your bank account after we request the funds. Please see Terms and conditions.