How it works.


Add your PayPal email address to your Xero account, and create an invoice.


A ‘Pay now’ button will appear on your customers’ online invoices.


They pay more securely with PayPal or their credit or debit card, and the money’s in your PayPal account in minutes.

Beautiful accounting software and hassle-free payments.

Combine the beautiful functionality of Xero invoicing with the speed of PayPal to get paid faster.

Faster payments

Customers can pay in just a few clicks
directly from your invoice.

No more manual follow-up

Set up automated reminders that continue to be sent to your customer until they have paid.

Professional invoicing

Create customised invoices
that incorporate your branding.

Simple set-up

Enter your PayPal email address into Xero just once and you’re ready to go. Simple as that!

Safer for your business

Your eligible sales can be protected against unauthorised payments with Seller Protection.

A global solution

Accept invoice payments in more 25 currencies from 202 countries and markets worldwide.

PayPal fees.

  • It's free to send invoices, you’ll just pay 2.90% + £0.30 per paid invoice
  • No monthly fee
  • No set-up or cancellation fees

Find out more

Let PayPal and Xero help you see your money sooner.

As a PayPal customer you'll get 30 days free.

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