How do I send a one-time payment or refund using Virtual Terminal?

With PayPal’s Virtual Terminal, you can take credit card orders by phone, fax, mail, or in person. Here’s how to enter your order after you receive it:

  1. Click Pay & Get Paid.
  2. Click Virtual Terminal under “Get Paid.”
  3. Enter all required billing information. For Transaction Type, select one of the following:

  1. Sale: Choose for immediate payment.
  2. Auth: Choose to authorise a future payment. When you’re ready to complete the transaction, select the Transaction ID under Activity, then click Capture (or Void).
  3. Credit: Choose to issue a refund.

       4. Click Review to confirm your order, then click Submit.
       5. You’ll receive a confirmation indicating the outcome of your transaction.

After you submit your payment or refund, you can print a receipt. Your payment will appear in your PayPal account shortly after.

With Payflow’s Virtual Terminal, you can take credit card orders by phone, fax, mail, or in person. Here’s how to enter your order after you receive it:

  1. Log in to PayPal Manager.
  2. Click Virtual Terminal.
  3. Click Single Transaction.
  4. For Transaction Type, select:
  1. Enter Card Security Code, if desired.
  2. Authorisation: Choose to authorise a payment.
  3. Credit: Choose to issue a refund.
  4. Delayed Capture: Choose to capture an outstanding authorisation.
  5. Sale: Choose for immediate payment.
  6. Voice Authorisation: Choose for a one-time sale where the merchant contacts the card-issuing bank for approval.*
  7. Void: Choose to void a transaction.

        5. Enter the credit card number.
     6.  Under Transaction Mode, select Live (or Test).
     7. Click Submit.
     8. Select the Expiry Date.
     9. Enter Card Security Code, if desired.
    10. Enter the Amount.
    11. Complete any other information that is pertinent to the transaction.
    12. Click Submit.

After you submit your payment or refund, you can print a receipt.

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