Stay in control of your money when you check out with your Visa Debit card on PayPal. Use your Visa Credit card and continue to earn reward points when you check out with PayPal.

Set your preference

More flexibility, more benefits.

Pay with Visa.

Select your Visa card when you check out with PayPal.

Earn rewards.

Keep earning rewards when you use your rewards Visa card.

More secure.

Check out with PayPal knowing your details are kept safe in your account.

Have a favourite way to pay? Set Your Preference.

Tell us your preferred way to pay for online purchases, and we’ll show this option first every time you check out. Want to use a different card or bank account? No problem! Choose from all your linked cards and bank accounts, or your PayPal balance if you have one, each time you check out.

Set a preference now

No matter which account you use, Buyer Protection has your back on eligible purchases.

Frequently asked questions.

How is the balance in my PayPal account used?

We’ll always use your preferred way to pay first. But, if you want to, you can still choose your balance when you check out.

Discover why millions of people use PayPal every day.

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