
PayPal.Me Terms and Conditions

PayPal.Me is your personalised page that others can use to send you money.

You can use a PayPal.Me link for personal use or for business to request, collect and receive payments from other PayPal users. Your use of the Service is subject to these PayPal.Me Terms and Conditions, the terms of the PayPal User Agreement, Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Statement, and all other agreements in place or enacted between you and PayPal (collectively, the "Agreements").

Sharing of your information

Your PayPal.Me page will display your name or business name, profile picture or logo and the suburb associated with your PayPal account. This will be visible to anyone visiting your page and will help others recognise and transact with you.

Other PayPal users may be shown your PayPal.Me link if they sync their address book and you're listed among their contacts, or if they attempt to send you money through PayPal by searching for your name, business name or PayPal.Me link.

You can hide your details by turning off your PayPal.Me link at any time in your PayPal settings. When turned off, your page will not be publicly visible or findable so you won't be able to receive money through it.

Use of PayPal.Me

When you sign up for the Service and set up a PPM Link, you will be asked to specify whether the primary use of your PPM Link will be transacting with friends and family ("Personal" use) or receiving payments from customers for goods and services ("Commercial" use). While you can reclassify a Personal PPM Link for commercial use and may be able to reclassify certain commercial PPM Links as personal, YOU CANNOT USE A PERSONAL PPM LINK TO RECEIVE PAYMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, NOR CAN YOU USE A COMMERCIAL PPM LINK FOR PERSONAL TRANSACTIONS.

If you have a PayPal business account, any and all PPM Links associated with that account will be identified as commercial PPM Links. If PayPal determines, at our sole discretion, that you've received payments for goods and services on a personal PPM Link, we may retroactively charge you the appropriate fees and prospectively reclassify the PPM Link as commercial. Please review the PayPal User Agreement for information on how fees are assessed.

Prohibited activities

To help keep PayPal a safe place to transact, the following activities are prohibited when using PayPal.Me.

You must not disclose your PayPal account password or other credentials to any other person or use a PayPal account on which you are not a named authorised user.

You must not engage in any activity, post any content or create a PayPal.Me link that:

  • is offensive, abusive, defamatory, threatening or obscene;

  • is illegal or intended to promote or commit an illegal act, including violations of intellectual property rights, privacy rights or proprietary rights of PayPal or any third party;

  • includes your password or PIN, or purposely includes someone else's password, PIN or personal data, or is intended to solicit such data;

  • misleads or deceives, or is likely to mislead or deceive, others as to your identity or affiliation with another person or organisation; or

  • breaches any of your obligations under the PayPal User Agreement or any of its incorporated policies.

If we reasonably believe you have breached these Terms and Conditions or otherwise pose an unacceptable level of risk to the integrity, security or reliability of us or our systems, we may suspend your PayPal.Me link and/or PayPal account at any time. We may at any time, but acting reasonably, require you to rename your PayPal.Me link.

PayPal reserves the right to update these terms and conditions at our sole discretion, for any reason, by posting an updated version of these terms and conditions at Updated Terms and Conditions will be effective as of the date of posting and your continued use of any PayPal.Me link will constitute your acceptance of the updated Terms.