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Why did I get API error code 10007?

PayPal returned API error code 10007 - Permission denied - You don't have permission to make this API call.

Your attempt to refund a transaction failed for one of these reasons:
  • You used the wrong transaction ID.
  • You're trying to make the call for a third party and have the wrong email address in the subject.
  • The subject account hasn't given you permission to make the third-party call.

Verify that your API call includes the correct transaction ID and correct email address and that you have permission to make third-party calls for this account.

See the Developer Portal for a complete list of NVP/SOAP API error codes.

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Als je cookies accepteert, gebruiken we ze om je ervaring te verbeteren en aan je voorkeuren aan te passen. We gebruiken ze ook om onze partners in staat te stellen gepersonaliseerde advertenties van PayPal te laten zien wanneer je andere sites bezoekt. Cookies beheren en meer informatie