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Why did I get result code -13?

PayPal returned result code -13.

The root cause for this result code is unknown because the error is difficult to reproduce. However, resource exhaustion may cause this error.

If the operating system or the individual user under which the Payflow Pro process is running reaches its limit of open file descriptors, the select() function can't return a socket for Payflow Pro to use. If you're using UNIX, check the number of file descriptors in use by piping the output of the fstat command through wc -l. Under Linux, the lsof command piped through wc -l may provide similar information.

Here's how to increase file descriptor limits on Linux:
  1. Check the current limit using StartFragment cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max.
  2. If the limit is too small, raise it using the command StartFragment echo " > /proc/sys/fs/file-max.
  3. Specify a number higher than the current limit.

For help resolving this issue or others, visit PayPal's Contact Customer Service page.

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