ヘルプセンター - パーソナルアカウント
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  • 異議と制限
  • マイアカウント
  • マイウォレット
  • ログインとセキュリティ
  • 売り手向けツール

Why did I get result code 9?

PayPal returned result code 9, which indicates a declined transaction.

The First Data payment processing network maps the following response codes to result code 9:
  • Response code 12 (transaction was invalid)
  • Response code 89 (Declined Term record wasn't found on the First Data system)
  • Response code N9 (cause unknown; possibly related to an invalid stream)

If you get result code 9, contact PayPal Customer Service and provide information about the transaction that produced the error. We'll look up the response code for that transaction and pass it on to you. You can then contact the financial institution that processed the transaction, give them the response code, and ask them why the transaction was declined.


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