How do I add, change, or remove a street address on my PayPal account?

Here's how to add, change, or remove a street address on your PayPal account:

  1. Go to your Settings page.
  2. Go to the Addresses section:
  • To add a new address, click + Add New. Enter your details and click Add Address.
  • To change an address, click Edit. Make your edits and click Update.
  • To remove an address, click Remove.

Here's how to add, change, or remove a street address on the PayPal app:

  1. Tap the profile icon.   
  2. Tap Account info.   
  3. Tap Addresses.  
  • To add a new address, tap +, enter the details, and tap Add.  
  • To edit an address, tap Edit, edit the details, and tap Update.    
  • To remove an address, tap Remove, then tap Remove to confirm.


  • You can't change your address to another country or region. If you're moving abroad, you'll need to close your existing account and open a new one in your new country and region of residence.
  • You must have at least 1 address on your account, a PO Box should not be used as a primary address.
  • You can’t remove an address until you add a new address and make it the home address. You can’t remove an address from your account if it’s your credit card billing address.
  • If you’re updating an address that’s linked to a card on your PayPal account, please update your address with your card issuer first.
  • You may not be able to change the address on a transaction that’s processed. If you need to use a different address, you need to contact the merchant.

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