Stay agile and ahead of trends with the latest updates on the eCommerce industry. Discover new tips and tools, and PayPal solutions designed to help enterprise businesses find active buyers, increase conversion across channels, and scale into new markets.
With customers seeking to work out across devices, BetterMe analysed the most effective path to transition from app to desktop. They partnered with PayPal to create a secure, seamless experience across devices and attract and onboard completely new audiences.
As technology advances, the ways people shop and make purchases evolves. It’s up to businesses to keep pace with these changes. Learn how you can overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of enterprise businesses competing, growing and thriving in a complex and challenging digital commerce ecosystem.
Discover how smart CEOs and CFOs are now using payments to help accelerate growth and drive revenue.Read now
Is your payment platform decreasing customer conversion and retention, slowing growth and affecting revenue?Read now
Ruslan Kovalenko,
Head of Business Development,
The right payment partner has the tools enterprises need to help upgrade their payment processes quickly and confidently. Read now
30% of shoppers will abandon their purchase if they don’t find their preferred payment method.2
Learn how payments can be leveraged as a catalyst for your growth by connecting with our sales team.
1 44 Cart Abandonment Rate Statistics, published 2020 by Baymard Institute.
2 Ipsos MORI Conjoint Research (US respondents). Methodology: Online survey conducted across seven markets (UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, US, Australia, Brazil) with 1,500 respondents per market/10,500 total respondents (boost in Brazil to ensure 500 PayPal users), including 6,930 PayPal users. Respondents were online shoppers who have made a purchase in the last month, 2018.