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Why did I get result code -12?

PayPal returned result code -12 - Timeout waiting for response.

During transaction processing, the connection between your server and payment servers failed.

Here's how to resolve this issue:
  1. Check PayPal Manager to determine whether the transaction has posted. If it hasn't, try again.
  2. If you're using the Payflow SDK, try the following:
  • Increase the timeout parameter value to 90.
  • Investigate the issue internally with packet sniffer software.
  • Remove memory- or resource-intensive applications running on the same box, or create a dedicated server for the Payflow Pro SDK.

If you're using a UNIX environment or have an open source tool (such as Cygwin), you can try the following commands to check connectivity:
  • Run command line using cURL:
    curl -d -v https://pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com
  • Run command line (OpenSSL):
    openssl s_client -connect payflowlink.paypal.com:443

If the condition continues, submit a question to PayPal.


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