About this charity

The Brenda Strafford Foundation is a charity whose primary focus is seniors care in Calgary. We have over 1000 residents in our care and have outreach programs that impact 500 seniors in Calgary. We are committed to achieving excellent standards that promote, enhance and transform peoples quality of life. It is our desire to provide outstanding care to seniors, support research that brings evidence and new knowledge for innovative older adult care and services.

CRA Number: 105198873RR0001

Calgary, AB

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Source: PayPal Giving Fund charity profile

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PayPal covers all transaction costs for donations made on this site, ensuring that 100% of each gift made is available to charity. Your donation will be made to PayPal Giving Fund Canada, a charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA# 812867752RR0001). PayPal Giving Fund Canada will provide the receipt for your donation, which is subject to its donor terms of service. We verify that receiving charities have registered charity status with the Canada Revenue Agency and are not on recognized economic sanctions lists. Charities enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund Canada will typically receive funds in their PayPal accounts within 15 to 45 days after PayPal Giving Fund Canada’s receipt of a donation. Charities not enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund Canada will be additionally vetted and if eligible, will receive funds via other means, such as a cheque, typically within 90 days. PayPal Giving Fund Canada holds all donations in a non-interest bearing account. PayPal Giving Fund Canada retains ultimate discretion over all donations it receives and, in limited cases, may redirect funds when a charity does not meet legal or other eligibility requirements as described in its Charity Certification Policy.

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