Shipping Internationally

Please note that if you ship internationally outside of the Seller Protection Policy, you do so at your own risk.

PayPal has taken measures to help prevent fraud and chargebacks internationally, including limiting sign up access to a list of PayPal approved countries and regions. However, risk still exists and you may be held liable for chargebacks due to fraud. If you make the decision to ship internationally outside of the Seller Protection Policy, we ask that you take several simple measures which will help minimize your exposure to risk:

  • Ship only to countries on our list of approved countries.
    PayPal has limited its services to exclude countries and regions that are known to have excessively high rates of credit card fraud. Verify that your buyer's shipping address is indeed within one of the 203 PayPal approved countries and regions.

  • Do not ship to an address in a country or region different than the country or region of residence of your buyer.
    Fraudulent non-U.S. buyers may claim to be U.S. PayPal members to get you to ship to them directly overseas. In general, be wary of requests to ship to a buyer at an address that is in a different country from where the buyer's account is. You can find a buyer's account type in the payment's transaction details.

  • Ship to the address on the Transaction Details page.
    If the buyer's address is shown in the payment details, ship to this address.

Failure to follow these risk-averting business practices may result in account access limitations.