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Auction Success Stories

Praise from the #1 Seller on eBay:

"What can I say? PayPal is the way to go. Rates are competitive and they are fast and accurate. Fully 2/3 of our auction payments now come to us through PayPal.

"If you are an online seller you MUST accept PayPal or lose that business to other dealers who will accept it. Jay's CDs is proud of its standing with eBay and with PayPal, and we look forward to continued success with both."

-Jay is rated the #1 Seller on eBay
 (eBay ID:

"Thanks to PayPal, I no longer have to wait for a winning bidder of one of my eBay auctions to mail me a check or money order. I get paid immediately and, in turn, am able to ship the bidder's merchandise the same day. With the Seller Protection Policy on my side, I am afforded an increased level of comfort of not receiving chargebacks."

-Jeff is a Deputy Sherriff and eBay seller
(eBay ID: palmtopcop)

"All my bidders prefer the security and speed of PayPal. I doubled the number of bids my art instruction received when I switched to accepting only PayPal."

-Tim is a Marketing Manager and eBay seller

"PayPal is the only online payment I use and recommend. With over 779 flawless transactions to date, many of them international, I can't say enough good things about PayPal. I love the PayPal credit card, too, and use it for all my postage, gas and other related auction expenses. "

-Jane is a pet relocator and eBay Powerseller
(eBay ID: texasbrit)

"PayPal has made my eBay transactions lightning fast, with sometimes as little as 3 days between ending an auction and receiving the item! I'll always be more willing to bid on auctions where the seller accepts PayPal payment."

-Matt is an internet professional