checkout with paypal Check out with PayPal

It’s ok if you don’t see the offer right away when you start to check out. The offer will be applied when you log in to your PayPal account to authorize payment.

confirm your purchase Confirm your purchase

Your PayPal offer will be automatically applied to eligible purchases. The store’s checkout confirmation will not show that savings, but don’t worry, you’ll only be charged the discounted total through PayPal.

view savings View savings

You’ll be able to view your savings in your PayPal receipt email and in your PayPal account details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was my PayPal offer not applied to my purchase?

In order to redeem a PayPal offer, you must:
  1. Have an offer in your PayPal account prior to checking out with the specified merchant. This may have been added automatically or activated by the account holder.
  2. Check out with PayPal.
  3. Redeem prior to offer expiration.

Offers are typically for one-time use.

Why don't I see my PayPal offer discounted in my store’s order summary or confirmation?

PayPal communication to you about your order will reflect your PayPal offer application. Merchant communication will not reflect your PayPal offer application.

When you have an offer in your PayPal account and you pay a merchant with PayPal, PayPal sends the merchant the total amount due to the merchant using two types of funds from your PayPal account:

  1. Your personal PayPal funding source (your PayPal balance, a bank account linked to your PayPal account, a credit card or Visa Debit card linked to your PayPal account).
  2. The offer in your PayPal account that is designated for purchases from that merchant.

Since PayPal sends the merchant all of the funds required to pay your order total, the merchant’s website and communications to you about your order will show you the total value paid to the merchant.

You can see your offer applied on the PayPal communication channels featured in the images above:
  • PayPal Checkout Flow
  • PayPal Email Receipt
  • PayPal Account Transaction Details

Why did I not get the full amount paid to the merchant back?

Offer terms apply to refunds for items purchased using an offer. The refunded amount may go back to the offer, your payment method for the transaction, your PayPal balance or a combination of the three.

When requesting a full refund for a transaction that was partially funded by a merchant specific promotional balance, the customer will receive the full refund amount minus the offer value. If a partial refund is provided, the customer will receive the partial refund amount minus the offer value. Offers are still subject to their expiration dates. Refunds are also subject to the merchant’s refund policy.

Have questions about PayPal offers?

Call us at 1-877-569-1116 or email us.

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