Ready. Set. Adapt. The Coronavirus-Fueled Race Toward Digital Transformation
1 IPSOS study commissioned by PayPal and conducted in July 2018. Study of 10,500 people, including 6,930 PayPal users, across the US, UK, Germany, Australia, Italy, Spain and Brazil (1,500 people per market).
2 PayPal analysis of 277 merchants’ websites in the period 4/13/2019 to 04/15/2019.
3 COVID-19: Consumer Trends by Generation & Geography, Yotpo, March 2020.
4 87% Of Shoppers Prefer to Shop in Stores With Touchless or Robust Self-Checkout Options During COVID-19 Pandemic, Businesswire, April 2020.
6 Global Real-Time Payments Market Growth and Trends Forecast, Marketwatch, March 27, 2020.
The content of this article is provided for informational purposes only. You should always obtain independent business, tax, financial, and legal advice before making any business decision.
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