Infographic: Is your payments platform ready for 2021?
2 Data procured from a major payment network to conduct benchmarking of PayPal Auths performance at Market and Vertical level vs online Direct Credit Card
transactions. June 2019.
3 Data based on the business’s own internal analysis. Results may vary substantially by business, 2018.
4 PayPal internal data, Q2 2020 Earnings Report.
5 Ipsos MORI Conjoint Research (US respondents). Methodology: Online survey conducted across seven markets (UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, US, Australia, Brazil) with
1,500 respondents per market/10,500 total respondents (boost in Brazil to ensure 500 PayPal users), including 6,930 PayPal users. Respondents were online shoppers
who have made a purchase in the last month, 2018.
6 Data based on the business’s own internal data from 2020. Results may not be typical and may vary substantially by business.
7 PayPal internal analysis, 4/13/2019 to 04/15/2019. Analysis of 277 merchants’ websites during this period.
8 PayPal internal data, Q1 2020.
The content of this article is provided for informational purposes only. You should always obtain independent business, tax, financial, and legal advice before making any business decision.
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