Why did I get result code 23?

The following paragraphs outline the causes and solutions to this issue:

Invalid characters being passed

Check and enter the credit card number without dashes, spaces or non-numeric characters. If the number you entered is correct, the card may be a private label card, such as a store credit card, and can't be authorized.

Maximum dollar amount

Merchants using Chase Paymentech as a processor or merchant bank may limit the maximum dollar amount they can submit. To have this limit adjusted, please get in touch with Chase Paymentech's Merchant Services.

Credit card is no longer valid

The credit card you're trying to charge has been cancelled or is no longer valid. Ask the cardholder to provide another form of payment.

Failure in Luhn 10/Mod 10 check

We use the Luhn algorithm or Luhn formula, also known as the "modulus 10" or "mod 10" algorithm, to validate credit card numbers.

Check that the number you entered matches the number on the credit card.

See also:
RESULT Values and RESPMSG Text

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