Why did I get API error code 10752?
Possible causes of this error include:
- There was a problem with the Card Security Code (CSC), Card Verification Value (CVV2) or Address Verification System (AVS) code on the card
- The card issuer denied the transaction
- The transaction was considered to be high-risk
Inspect the (CSC or CVV2) and AVS codes that are returned. To understand the meanings of the various codes, visit our AVS and CVV2 Response Codes page.
To help secure online payments, we use analytical safeguards to identify patterns of high-risk transaction behavior. These complex security measures may affect some accounts and credit or debit cards in good standing.
Due to consumer privacy laws and regulations, we cannot provide merchants with details regarding buyer payment declines. Please have the buyer reach out to their card-issuing bank or PayPal Customer Support for additional information.
See the Developer Portal for a complete list of NVP/SOAP API error codes.