What can I do with transaction receipts in Virtual Terminal?

Virtual Terminal allows you to view transaction receipts, print them, or email them to customers.

To view a receipt, click Print or Email Receipt on the Transaction Confirmation page. Virtual Terminal displays the Receipt page.

Click Print to send a copy of the receipt to your local printer.

Here's how to send a copy of the receipt to your customer by email :


1.       Click Email on the Receipt page. You'll see the Email Receipt pop-up window.

2.       Select an email address from the drop-down menu in the Email from field. Choose any name registered in your profile. Receipts will show "<your-business-name@paypal.com>" in the Email from field. Replies will go to your registered email address, not "<your-business-name@paypal.com>".

3.       Enter the customer's email address in the Email to field.

4.       Check Send myself a copy if you want to receive a copy of the receipt. The copy goes to the email address for the business name you selected in the Email from field.

5.       By default, the Subject field contains "Purchase receipt from <business-name>". You can edit or completely replace this text if you wish.

6.       Edit or delete the body of the email (the text in the Message section).

7.       Click Send Receipt.


When the email is sent, you get a confirmation message.

If something stops the receipt from being sent or received, you will see an error message. Check the customer's email address, correct any errors, and resend.

Autres manières d'obtenir de l'aide

Gestionnaire de litiges

Résolvez les problèmes liés aux transactions et aux comptes.

Centre des impôts

Obtenez votre formulaire 1099-K et d'autres informations fiscales ici.

Aide pour les professionnels

Obtenez de l'aide pour utiliser l'un de nos produits PayPal.


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