How do I integrate PayPal Express Checkout with Zen Cart?

Here's how:

  1. Log in to your Zen Cart admin panel.
  2. Select Modules > Payment.
  3. Select the PayPal Express Checkout module, then click Install if it's not currently installed.
  4. Configure the following settings:
  • Enable Express Checkout Module - Set to True
  • Payment Zone - Select the zone you prefer, or keep the default setting of None for no sales restrictions
  • Express Checkout Shortcut Button - Select On
  • Payment Action - Select either Final Sale or Auth Only
  • Transaction Currency - Select either Selected Currency or a specific Only xxx option
  • PayPal API Signature - Enter your PayPal credentials into the appropriate API Username, API Password and API Signature fields
  • PayPal Merchant ID - Enter your PayPal Merchant ID
  • PayPal Mode - Select PayPal
  • Use InContext Checkout - Select InContext
  • PayPal Mode - Set to Live
  • Review additional options
  • Click Update

Refer to our preferred Platforms and Marketplaces Directory for addional shopping cart specific information. 

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