How do I integrate Braintree with BigCommerce?

Here's how:

Obtaining your Braintree API Keys

  1. Log into
  2. Click on Account and select My User.
  3. Under API Keys, Tokenization Keys, Encryption Keys  click on View Authorizations.
  4. Select the API Keys you'd like to use. Click on View to see the keys.
    • Public Key, Private Key, Environment, Merchant ID.

Obtaining your Braintree Merchant Account ID

  1. Go to Settings | Processing.
  2. Scroll down and select the Merchant Account ID you would like to use.

Integrating BigCommerce with Braintree

  1. Log into your BigCommerce admin panel.
  2. Select Store Setup.
  3. Click Payments.
  4. Click Complete Setup or any of the PayPal powered by Braintree Settings buttons.
  5. Click Connect with Braintree.
  6. Click Already have a Braintree account? Log In.
  7. Enter Your Information as prompted.
  8. Click Login or Sign up.
  9. Enter you PayPal Login and Password and click Log In.
  10. Click Authorize.
  11. Click Agree and Return to BigCommerce.
  12. Follow the steps below to complete your Braintree integration.
    • Select your Transaction Type of Authorize & Capture or Authorize Only.
    • Enter the Display Name how you wish it to appear to your buyers as the payment method title.
    • Turn ON the option for Enable PayPal.
  13. Click Save.

Refer to our preferred Platforms and Marketplaces Directory for addional shopping cart specific information. 

Autres manières d'obtenir de l'aide

Gestionnaire de litiges

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Centre des impôts

Obtenez votre formulaire 1099-K et d'autres informations fiscales ici.

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