Seller Profile and payment link

Grow your side hustle with a Seller Profile.

It’s fast, secure, and free to set up. Create an online storefront, list products, share online, and start selling in minutes.

Get ready, get set up, go sell.

Sell online

Share your profile link on social media to get paid by followers. Or share it via text or email.

No website needed

Your profile is one of the easiest ways to get your side hustle out in the world. No hosting fees or design skills needed.

Easy setup

Add your name, a description, and contact info so customers can quickly find you.

The one stop for your online shop

Showcase your brand with a storefront

Add a logo, photos, contact info, and more to make your business stand out. You’ll even get a unique, shareable URL to help customers recognise and find you.

Manage products on one dashboard

Keep track of orders, create discounted shipping labels, add tracking, and issue refunds right in the app.

Promote your store across channels

Expand your customer base by sharing your Seller Profile link via text, email, or even on social media. Get your store in front of customers around the globe and make it easy for them to shop.

How to set up your Seller Profile

Launch the app

Log in to your PayPal account and go to your account profile to get started.

Customise your storefront

Add your contact info. Remember to add a profile and background photo.

Share across multiple channels

Send your unique link through text, email, or social to help customers find you.

Join the millions around the world who love PayPal

Easily and securely spend, send, and manage your transactions—all in one place. Download the app on your phone or sign up for free online.

Download the app on your phone or sign up for free online.

A QR code you can scan with the camera on your phone to download the PayPal app