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Why did customers get the error "PayPal cannot process your payment. Please contact the merchant to solve this issue"?

PayPal gave a customer a "cannot process your payment" error message.

There is likely an issue with your button or account.

Review your code and compare it to the code snippet provided by PayPal. If this is a hosted button, changes made to the button code will have no impact and the actual hosted button code must be changed. 

For help resolving this issue or others, visit PayPal's Contact Customer Service page.

Not what you're looking for? Try these articles: 

How long will it take to restore my account access?
Why can't I send money using a balance?

See also:
Button Manager
Copy and paste button code

PayPal이 도울 수 있는 다양한 방법

사용자가 쿠키 사용에 동의하면 PayPal은 쿠키를 사용하여 사용자의 경험을 개선하고 맞춤설정하며 사용자가 다른 사이트를 방문할 때 파트너사에서 개인 맞춤형 PayPal 광고를 표시할 수 있도록 합니다. 쿠키 관리 및 자세히 알아보기