How do I reinstate a canceled Virtual Terminal service?

To reinstate a canceled Virtual Terminal service, you must reactivate your Merchant Services Billing Agreement.

  • If you have Virtual Terminal only, then when you reactivate the billing agreement, you'll immediately have access to Virtual Terminal and will be able to use it to process credit card payments.
  • If you have Virtual Terminal and Website Payments Pro, you'll immediately have access to both services when you reactivate the billing agreement.

To reactivate the Merchant Services Billing Agreement, go to the Automatic Payments section of your PayPal account and click on the Reactivate button. A Monthly payment agreement reactivated page will appear, listing the services that you reactivated, and the monthly fees associated with each service.

Note: If your billing agreement has been deactivated for more than 6 months, you won’t see the Reactivate button. Contact our Business Support for further assistance.

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