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How do I integrate PayPal with X-Cart?

Here's how:
  1. Log in to your X-Cart admin panel.
  2. Select Settings > Payment Methods.
  3. On the Payment methods page, click the Payment gateways tab.
  4. Choose All countries from the Your country box.
  5. Select PayPal from the list in the Payment gateways selector.
    Note: If you don't see PayPal in the Payment gateways selector, check the Payment methods tab: PayPal has probably been added there previously
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click the Configure link opposite any PayPal entry on the Payment methods page.
  8. Make sure the PayPal configuration page displays PayPal payment methods available for your country: Select the country in which you do business from the Country selector at the top of the page and click Update.
  9. Select your preferred payment method.
  10. In the Settings page, fill in the required fields:
    • Account - Enter your PayPal email address.
    • Currency - Select your preferred Currency.
    • Test/Live mode - Select Live unless using Sandbox credentials.
    • Action to be performed on order placement - Select preferred capture method.
    • Obtain your PayPal API Signature.
    • API access username - Enter your API Username.
    • API access password - Enter your API Password.
    • Use PayPal authentication method - Select API Signature.
    • API signature - Enter your API Signature.
  11. Click Update.
  12. Go back to the Payment methods page and check that your store's list of payment methods now includes PayPal Payments Standard.
  13. Enable the PayPal payment method you have configured. Select the check box located to the left of the PayPal Payments Standard and click Apply changes.

See also:
Adding and enabling PayPal payment methods in X-Cart

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