
See Demo

For detailed instructions on how to use Subscriptions and Recurring Payments, please refer to the Subscriptions and Recurring Payments Manual (PDF, 682 KB, August 2006). It contains information not included on the website, including:

  • Visual walk-through of how buyers and sellers use Subscriptions
  • Creating free trial periods and introductory rates
  • Setting up postage, taxes, and other special options
  • Receiving email and Instant Payment Notifications
  • Sample code, including a list of available parameters
  • Frequently asked questions

Read the Subscriptions and Recurring Payments Manual (PDF, 682 KB, August 2006).

Get instant notification of payments you receive. To learn more, read the Order Management Integration Guide (PDF, 1.3 MB, March 2008).

Adobe Acrobat is required to read PayPal's manuals.