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How do I issue a credit or refund to a customer?

About credit refunds
A credit transaction (TRXTYPE=C) returns the specified amount to the account holder. You don't need to have the credit card number available if you have the original PayPal reference ID (PNREF) that was issued with the transaction. If you issue a credit referencing a PNREF without specifying an amount, PayPal uses the amount of the original transaction. If you're performing a reference credit, the PNREF being referenced must be one of the following:

  • Sale (TRXTYPE=S)
  • Delayed Capture (TRXTYPE=D)
  • Voice Authorization (TRXTYPE=F)  

Issuing credits
PayPal recommends that you issue a credit only if the original transaction has already settled. Instead of issuing a credit to transactions that aren't settled, you should void the transaction. You must have admin or FULL_TRANSACTIONS permissions to issue a credit.

Issuing credits that exceed the original transaction amount
You can issue multiple credits to the same transaction for a total credit greater than the original amount, based on your transaction settings. Use caution when issuing multiple credits. Here's how to view your current transaction settings:  

  1. Log in to your PayPal Manager account.
  2. Click Account Administration.
  3. Click Transaction Settings.
  4. If Credits may exceed original transaction amount is set to Yes, you can issue a credit for an amount greater than the original amount. To enable this feature, ask an admin user on the account to contact Payflow support.

Issuing credits when changing banks or processors
If you've changed merchant banks or processors, you can't issue a credit to a transaction authorized with the previous merchant bank or processor using the original Transaction ID. Issue a refund to your customer using a company check or other non-reference credit.  

Using test credit card numbers
Credit type transactions aren't checked before settlement, so the transaction settles if you use a test credit card number. However, the test credit card number will be rejected after it is sent to the banks for processing.  

Issuing credit card refunds
If you need to issue a refund to a customer's credit card, use one of the following methods:  

Method 1: Multiple Credits
Use multiple credits to issue credits for multiple transactions or when you don't know the transaction ID. You can issue up to 50 credits at a time.

  1. Log in to your PayPal Manager account.
  2. Click Virtual Terminal.
  3. Click Multiple Transactions.
  4. Select Credit under Transaction Type.
  5. Select a date range, and click Continue.
  6. Select the transactions you wish to credit by checking each applicable box.
  7. In the Amount field, enter the amount you wish to refund. Don't enter a negative number or dollar sign.
  8. Click Credit. You must complete the credits on the current page before continuing to the next page because clicking Next will remove the checkmarks from the transactions on the previous page.
  9. Note the new Transaction IDs issued for the submitted credits.

Method 2: Single Transaction Credit
If you can't locate the transactions to credit, PayPal recommends that you perform a Single Transaction Credit.  

Method 3: Credit Card - Reference Credit

  1. Log in to your PayPal Manager account.
  2. Click Virtual Terminal.
  3. Click Single Transaction.
  4. Select Credit under Transaction Type.
  5. Enter the Original Transaction ID of the transaction to be credited. You must currently be processing with the same merchant bank or processor as the original transaction. If not, secure the credit card number from your customer to perform a non-referenced credit.
  6. Enter the Amount to refund. Don't enter a negative number or dollar sign.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Note the new Transaction IDs issued for the submitted credit.

Method 4: Credit Card - Non-Reference Credit

  1. Log in to your PayPal Manager account.
  2. Click Virtual Terminal.
  3. Click Single Transaction.
  4. Select Credit under Transaction Type.
  5. Enter the credit card number to which you want to issue a credit.
  6. Enter the Amount to refund. Don't enter a negative number or dollar sign.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Note the new Transaction IDs issued for the submitted credit.

Note:  To issue a non-reference credit, you must have non-reference credits enabled on your account within the Transaction Settings. Here's how to check whether your account has non-reference credits enabled:  

  1. Log in to your PayPal Manager account.
  2. Click Account Administration.
  3. Click Transaction Settings.
  4. If Allow non-reference credits and Credits may exceed original transaction amount are both set to Yes, then you can perform a non-reference credit.
  • If one (or both) of these settings is set to No, your account isn't enabled for non-reference credits.
  • If you need non-reference credits enabled, ask an admin user listed on your account to contact Payflow Support by phone at 1-888-883-9770 or at and request that this feature be enabled.

Note:  If you're processing transactions through PayPal, you'll also need non-reference credits enabled on your PayPal account. Ask PayPal to enable non-reference credits for your Live account. To request approval, contact PayPal's Customer Service.   

Method 5: ACH (Automated Clearing House)

  1. Log in to your PayPal Manager account.
  2. Click Virtual Terminal.
  3. Click Single Transaction.
  4. Under Tender Type, select ACH.
  5. Under Transaction Type, select Credit.
  6. Enter the Original Payment ID, then click Submit.
  7. Enter the Amount to refund. Don't enter a negative number or dollar sign.
  8. Select the Authorization Method of the original transaction.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Note the new Transaction IDs issued for the submitted credit.

Note:  You can't refund telephone authorizations. You can only refund the full amount of web authorizations.


Method 6: PayflowPro API
Through the Payflow Pro API, you can issue a credit via your website or application. To issue a credit via Payflow Pro, set the Transaction Type (TRXTYPE) variable to "C" as shown in the following examples:

Here's how to credit the same card used in the ORIGID for the full amount:  


Here's how to credit the same card used in the ORIGID for a different amount by adding the AMOUNT field to the paralist:


Here's how to credit a card without having to reference the original sale:



Method 7: Payflow Link interface
Because of the limited security of HTML form posts, you can't issue credits using the Payflow Link web interface. Use either the Single Transaction or Multiple Transaction methods described in the previous sections.  

Common errors

Result code 117
If you get the error message, "Failed merchant rule check," result code 117, the credit attempt failed due to the transaction settings on your account. Some common reasons include:

  • The transaction being referenced was already refunded.
  • You're issuing a credit for more than the original amount and Credits may exceed original transaction amount isn't enabled on your account.
  • You're trying to process a credit to a card without tying the credit to a previous sale, and non-reference credits aren't currently enabled.
  • You're issuing a credit for more than the credit limit currently set on your account.
  • For more information regarding result code 117, see Why did I get result code 117?

Result code 7
If you get the error message, "Field format error: Web Credit invalid," result code 7, you used the wrong authorization method when trying to issue an ACH credit. You must change the authorization method to match the original transaction. Authorization methods include:

  • Telephone (TEL) - Can't be refunded.
  • Over the Internet (WEB) - Can't be partially refunded; only full refunds are allowed.
  • Re-presented Check Entry (RCK).
  • Other (PPD).

Result code 19
If you get the error message, “Original Transaction ID not found,” Result code 19, the credit attempt failed for one of the following reasons:

  • The original PayPal reference ID (PNREF) you're trying to reference is more than 365 days old.
  • The PNREF being referenced is invalid.
  • When processing through PayPal, the transaction being referenced doesn't have a PayPal Transaction ID (PPREF) in the transaction details.

Special characters
If you are logged out when issuing a credit using Single Transaction in Virtual Terminal, there might be a special character or HTML tag in the transaction details. You can't use special characters in PayPal Manager. Remove the special character or HTML tag from the transaction details and resubmit the credit.

TeleCheck transactions
TeleCheck transactions can't be credited. However, you can void the transaction before it settles.

For help resolving this and other Payflow Gateway issues, email Payflow support or call 888-883-9770 (7:00 AM - 8:00 PM CDT, Monday - Friday).

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