Join over 180 million PayPal customers shopping around the world.

Checkout simply and more securely at millions of online stores with just an email address and password. You don’t have to enter your credit card details every time you buy and pay online.

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How PayPal works


Create your PayPal account with just an email address and a password. It’s free to sign up.


Add and link your credit and debit cards, and choose your preferred way to pay every time you shop.


Look out for the PayPal button and checkout with your email and password on sites and apps worldwide.

Save while you shop the world.

Shop with confidence knowing that every time you hit that PayPal button, it's a safer choice at checkout.

“Each payment process is so simple and hassle-free, and I don’t need to be worried about being scammed.”

Phoebe Kwan

Happy shopping with PayPal.

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