PayPal Braintree Fees

PayPal Braintree is our end-to-end payment platform built for growth.

Last Updated: 10, December 2024

You can find details about changes to our rates and fees and when they will apply on our Policy Updates Page. You can also view the Policy Updates Page by clicking ‘Legal’ at the bottom of any webpage and then selecting ‘Policy Updates'.

Where these fees apply

Rates published below apply to PayPal Braintree accounts of residents of the following market/region:

Standard rate for receiving transactions using PayPal Braintree

Use of PayPal Braintree is subject to eligibility, application, approval by PayPal and your acceptance of the Payment Services Agreement.

Fee Table: Standard rate for receiving transactions using PayPal Braintree
Payment type Description Market/Region Rate per transaction
Cards and third-party digital wallet transactions For standard merchants.1 MY 3,4% + Braintree Fixed Fee
NZ 2,9% + Braintree Fixed Fee
SG 3,4% + Braintree Fixed Fee
AD, HR, IS, and MC 1,9% + Braintree Fixed Fee
Braintree Fixed Fee2 MY 2.00 RM
NZ 0.45 NZD
SG 0.50 SGD
AD, HR, IS, and MC 0.30 EUR
Transaction presented outside of your home currency MY & SG Additional 1% fee
Transaction involves currency conversion MY & SG Converted at the exchange rate imposed by the applicable Network, plus an additional 1% fee
Multi-currency transaction NZ 3,9% + 0.45 NZD
Pass-through American Express transaction3 AD, HR, IS & MC 0.30 EUR
Customer card issued outside of the EU/EEA AD, HR, IS & MC Additional 1% fee
Multi-currency transaction settled in a Scheme Currency AD, HR, IS & MC Additional 1.5% fee
Multi-currency transactions settled in an Exotic Currency AD, HR, IS & MC Additional 3% fee
Chargebacks MY 90.00 RM
NZ 10.00 NZD
SG 30.00 SGD
AD, HR, IS, and MC 30.00 EUR
PayPal transactions Subject to the terms applicable to your PayPal account AD, HR, IS, MC, MY, NZ & SG PayPal Merchant Fees
Discounted rates are available for a business processing over 60,000 EUR per month for AD, HR IS & MC; 300,000.00 RM per month for MY; 100,000.00 NZD per month for NZ and 110,000.00 SGD per month for SG. Interchange plus pricing is also available in AD, HR, IS & MC.
For Merchants in AD, HR and IS, the Braintree Fixed Fee is charged per settled transaction.
For Merchants in Singapore, Malaysia, and New Zealand, the Braintree Fixed Fee is charged for each Transaction, verification, authorization, pre-authorization, reversal (void), authorization reversals (void), verification reversal, and Refund, in each instance irrespective of whether it is approved declined, rejected, received, failed or any other transaction status (including timeouts/no-responses/failed).
For merchants that have their own American Express account, PayPal Braintree can pass through American Express transactions at a flat fee per transaction with no additional PayPal Braintree fees. Merchants may be subject to additional fees assessed by American Express under their direct card acceptance agreement with American Express.

Refunded Transactions

Fee Table: Refunded Transactions
Activity Market/Region Description
Refunded transactions AD, HR, IS & MC Processing fees are not returned for refunded transactions.
MY & SG All processing fees, except the Braintree Fixed Fee, are returned for full refunds. For partial refunds, all processing fees, except the Braintree Fixed Fee, are returned at a prorated amount.
NZ All processing fees are returned, except the Braintree Fixed Fee which is charged for the original transaction and the refund. For partial refunds, all processing fees are returned at a prorated rate.