With PayPal QR codes, there's no need for you or your customers to handle cash or cards, and you don't even need a card reader. Plus, enjoy everyday low fees when you sell using your QR code.*
Get your QR CodeWhat are PayPal QR code payments?
QR code payments will allow you to get paid in person with PayPal just by displaying your QR code for customers to scan using their smart phone. You don't need any additional devices.
How do I set up my QR code?
How long is my QR code valid?
I have several PayPal QR codes that are different. How can I tell which account each of them is linked to?
Can I change which PayPal account my QR code is associated to?
Do customers need additional apps to scan the code?
How do I know if a payment went through successfully?
How much does it cost to use PayPal QR code payments?
*You only pay 0.90% + EUR 0.10 per transaction over EUR 10.00, and lower fees for transactions EUR 10.00 and under. Fees are subject to change. PayPal QR code payment functionality does not benefit from PayPal Seller Protection Policy.
Fees for cross-border transactions may apply. PayPal’s exchanges rates may be applied to currency conversions. For further information see User Agreement.
Financial Services are provided by PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l et Cie, S.C.A. Société en Commandite par Actions Registered office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349.