PayPal Checkout

For small-medium businesses: add PayPal and get paid in fewer clicks
PayPal, cards PayPal only
Advanced technical skills required
Integration via shopping carts
Integration language API
Built-in fraud protection
Customizable checkout
Non-PayPal users can pay you?  
Monthly fees No
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Sell without boundaries.

Open your business to millions of PayPal active shoppers around the world. We're available in more than 200 countries and markets around the world, accepting 25 currencies. Currency conversion fees may apply.

More about fees

The no-code way to get paid

Easily create a link, button, or QR code* for a product or service—then just copy, paste, and share on your website, email, social, or text to get paid.

More about payment links

*Features not available in all geographies.

Offer your customers an experience they love.

Quicker checkout

They don't need to retype their credit card details every time they shop.

Accept International Payments

They can choose to pay in any of the 25 currencies accepted.

Increase Conversion Rates

They see the PayPal logo as a sign of trust. 34% of  online buyers wouldn't buy on a website if PayPal wasn’t there.*

* Research conducted by NorthStar in Q4 2013. Based on a sample of 6 large online retailers selected for inclusion and representing 2,802 recent buyers. Sample is not necessarily representative of the large online retailer marketplace as a whole

7 million businesses worldwide have already chosen PayPal. Be the next one, click the link below.

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