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How do I integrate Payflow Pro with Shopify?

Here's how:
  1. Log in to the Shopify admin panel.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Payments.
  4. On the Shopify Payments module, select EDIT > Change Gateway.
    (Shopify only allows one Payment Gateway to be activated)
  5. Select a reason and click Deactivate. (Remember to deactivate Express Checkout before continuing.)
  6. Select PayPal Payflow Pro under Accept Credit Cards.
  7. Configure the required settings:
    • Test mode - Uncheck if live.
    • Merchant login - Enter your merchant login ID.
    • USER Password - Enter your user password.
    • Manager Partner - Enter the name of your manager partner.
    • Cart Specific User - Enter the name of the cart specific user.
    • Enable Express Checkout - Check the box.
    • Credit Cards accepted - Select the credit cards you want to accept.
  8. Click Activate.
  9. Under Payment Authorization Settings:
    • Select Automatically capture payments for orders (Immediate Sale).
    • Select Manually Capture payment for orders (Authorize only).
  10. Click Save.

Note: You'll find complete information and steps on integrating PayPal with your Shopify cart in Shopify's online manual.

See also:
Shopify Support

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