How do I process a refund in Virtual Terminal?

To refund a customer for a successful sale transaction you previously processed, you must complete a refund in Virtual Terminal.

Here's how to issue a refund within 60 days of the original payment:

  1. Go to your Activity.
  2. Find the relevant transaction and click Refund in the Actions column.

Here's how to send a refund after 60 days of the original payment:

  1. Go to the Send Money page.
  2. Enter the customer's email address, mobile phone number, or name.
  3. On the Payment screen, enter the refund amount and select the currency. (Optional: you can enter note text by clicking the plus sign beside What is this payment for?)
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Choose Sending to a friend.
  6. Select the payment method you want to use for the refund, then click Next.
  7. Review the payment information and do one of the following:
    • Click Send the Payment.
    • Click Change payment method to return to the Payment Type page and choose a different payment method.

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