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The ASP.NET and Classic ASP SDKs for the SOAP API

The ASP.NET and Classic ASP SDKs for the SOAP API
The SDK is composed of API Services, Encrypted Website Payments (EWP) Services, and user profiles that define characteristics of the users of those services. This section includes the following topics:
Installing the SDK
This section details the software and hardware supported and required by the PayPal SDK, installation, and post-installation tasks.
Supported Standards
The PayPal SDK has been verified to work with the following standards.
Table C.1
Supported Human Languages
U.S. English
SDK Version Number
PayPal ASP.NET and Classic ASP SDKs version 4.3.1
Minimum Hardware Requirements
The following table lists the minimum hardware requirements for using the PayPal SDK in development and testing. Production systems might require more capacity, depending on their expected load.
Software Requirements
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, Service Pack 1
Downloading and Installing the SDK
The latest version of the PayPal SDK is available at You can download either a self-extracting installation program or a ZIP file.
The installation is straightforward and requires no special instruction. Installing the SDK source is optional.
SDK Directories
The SDK components are organized into different subdirectories, as shown in Table C.3, “PayPal SDK Directories and Contents.”
sdk-seller.p12 API certificate for API user
Visual Studio project files and SDK source files. This folder is present only if you installed the source of the SDK.
Uninstalling the SDK
To uninstall the SDK, use the Microsoft Windows control panel Add/Remove Programs.
Installing the Samples
The SDK comes with sample applications for your study and use. These samples can be installed in Microsoft Internet Information Server. For information, see “Sample Applications”.
Configuring the SDK
This section describes how to configure the SDK to work with the sample applications and programs you develop.
Referencing the SDK DLLs for ASP.NET
Before developing applications with the SDK, be sure to add references in your ASP.NET projects to the SDK dynamic load libraries (DLLs) in SDK_root\bin.
Modifying the Web.config File
You can modify the PayPal ASP.NET and Classic ASP SDK behavior by making changes to the Web.config configuration file.
Initializing the Web.config File for Classic ASP
The Classic ASP SDK relies on a Web.config configuration file:
To enable logging for your SDK-based web applications, the SDK must know the location of its Web.config file. In your Global.asa file, modify the Session_OnStart method to call the SDK’s COMAdapter.Init method:
Sub Session_OnStart
Set pp_caller = CreateObject("com.paypal.sdk.COMNetInterop.COMAdapter") pp_caller.Init Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")
End Sub
Optional Custom Configurations in Web.config
You can add optional custom settings to the Web.config file.
Immediately after the top-level <configuration> tag, you see a <configSections> tag. In <configSections>, add a <section name=”paypal”> tag, as shown below.
<section name=”paypal” type=”com.paypal.sdk.core.ConfigSectionHandler, paypal_base”/>
The optional custom settings are in a <paypal> block later in the file:
... custom settings ...
Setting Maximum Retries of SOAP Requests
In the <paypal> block in Web.config, you can set the maximum number of retries to send SOAP requests.
<maximumRetries value=”integerNumberOfRetries”/>
A value of 0 for integerNumberOfRetries sends a SOAP request once, with no retries. The default setting is 0.
PayPal recommends setting maximumRetries no greater than 3.
SDK Logging
The PayPal SDK uses log4net public domain logging software. For information about log4net, see the log4net documentation at
This section describes SDK logging levels, the configuration files in which you set the desired level, and SOAP request logging.
Log Levels
The SDK varies the amount of detail it records according to four logging levels.
Table C.4
Full text of SOAP requests and responses and other debugging messages. DEBUG logging can degrade the performance of the SDK. Be careful about using it for day-to-day operation.
Because SOAP requests and responses are asynchronous, the recording of requests and responses might appear out of sequence in the log file.
Setting SDK Log Levels
To enable logging for your SDK-based web applications, add the following lines inside the <configuration> block of the Web.config file. You can copy these lines from the SDK_root\samples\ASPNET\Web.config or SDK_root\samples\ClassicASP\Web.config file.
You can change the value of the file element to write log records to a specific location.
Set the value of the level element to the desired detail described in Table C.4, “SDK Logging Levels.”
<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,log4net"/>
<appender name="PAYPALLOGFILE" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<file value="logs/paypal.sdk.log" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<encoding value="UTF-8" />
<rollingStyle value="5" />
<maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
<maximumFileSize value="10MB" />
<staticLogFileName value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} %-5p [%C{1}] %m%n" />
<logger name="com.paypal.sdk"> <level value="ALL" />
<appender-ref ref="PAYPALLOGFILE" />
SOAP Request Logging
To enable logging of the full text of SOAP requests and responses, add the following lines inside the <system.web> block of your Web.config file. You can copy these lines from the SDK_root\samples\ASPNET\Web.config or SDK_root\samples\ClassicASP\Web.config file.
DEBUG logging can degrade the performance of the SDK. Be careful about using it for day-to-day operation.
<add type="com.paypal.sdk.logging.DefaultSOAPHandler, paypal_base" priority="1" group="0" />
Enabling Proxy Support for ASP.NET
If your application is behind a proxy server, you must enable proxy support in the Web.config file. For details on how to use the element in the Web.config file, please refer to Configuring Internet Applications in the MSDN Library.
API Services
Integrated access to the PayPal Web Services APIs is one of the main features of the PayPal SDK. As shown in Figure C.1, “PayPal SDK API Services: High-Level View”, the PayPal SDK uses the underlying platform’s SOAP toolkit to communicate with the PayPal API endpoint. Stub classes representing the requests, the responses, and their data are provided to set request parameters and read response values. These classes are auto-generated from the PayPal WSDL file.
Figure C.1
Complete SDK and API Class Documentation
Complete Microsoft .NET Ndoc documentation for all PayPal SDK interfaces, classes, methods, structures, and data types are included with the SDK distribution. To view the documentation, open the following file with your web browser:
Before the SDK can be used, it must know the profile of the user accessing its services. A profile is a collection of information about a merchant or developer who uses the PayPal SDK. An API profile is associated with API Services and includes:
The name of a third-party who authorizes the caller to invoke PayPal APIs on his behalf. This third-party is called a subject. This name is optional.
An Encryted Wweb Payments (EWP) profile is associated with EWP services includes:
For more information about how EWP works, see the Website Payments Standard Integration Guide.
Overview to Profile-related Classes
The primary interfaces and classes for SDK profiles are described below.
IAPIProfile interface
This interface defines the basic information that PayPal needs to know about a user of the PayPal Web Service APIs. Developers must create an instance of IAPIProfile for each account that accesses the APIs. For single-merchant developers, only a single IAPIProfile instance is needed. PayPal provides a default implementation class called DefaultAPIProfile suitable for the needs of most SDK developers. However, can write a custom implementation if you need additional functionality the default class does not offer.
This class creates IAPIProfile object. It contains static methods that handle the instantiation and construction of profile objects.
This interface defines the basic information that PayPal needs to know about a user of PayPal’s Encrypted Website Payments (EWP) service. Developers must create an instance of EWPProfile for each account that generates the encrypted button code for single-merchant users. This will be just be a single instance. PayPal provides a basic implementation class called DefaultEWPProfile suitable for the needs of most SDK developers. However, you can write a custom implementation if you need functionality the default class does not offer.
COM-Specific Classes
COM developers can use of the following classes:
These classes are in the com.paypal.sdk.COMNetInterop namespace. For examples of them in use, see the source code in SDK_Root\Samples\ClassicASP.
The COMAdapter2 class includes methods for setting and retrieving the values associated with an API profile, including the API username and password, the API signature, the third-party subject and the environment. It also includes methods for making API calls.
The older COMadapter class is for backward-compatibility.
For example, the following code snippet sets the API Profile to the credentials of the sample user supplied with the PayPal SDK, as described in “Sample Applications”.” This sample user relies on an API certificate:
Set pp_caller = CreateObject("com.paypal.sdk.COMNetInterop.COMAdapter2")
' Set API profile
pp_caller.SetAPIUsername ""
pp_caller.SetAPIPassword "12345678"
' Set the third-party subject to null
pp_caller.SetSubject ""
pp_caller.SetEnvironment “sandbox”
The following code snippet sets the API Profile to the credentials of a user who relies on an API signature:
' Set API profile
pp_caller.SetAPIUsername ""
pp_caller.SetAPIPassword "5GM8R4SNEPLGP524"
' Set the API Signature string
pp_caller.SetAPISignature "A0iFR8ojMS.TH8Eyc3t0CP1dTJzbA.cDbvQAR0GPJVEuvtDzkiPJNKj7"
' Set the third-party subject to null
pp_caller.SetSubject ""
pp_caller.SetEnvironment “sandbox”
The COMArray proxy class functions similarly to the .NET ArrayList class. Use COMArray when you need to create a .NET array when you are setting up the request object; for example, when you provide multiple PaymentDetailsType items to a DoDirectPayment request.
For example:
Dim pmtDetailsItemArray
Set pmtDetailsItemArray = CreateObject("com.paypal.sdk.COMNetInterop.COMArray")
Dim pmtDetailsItem1
Set pmtDetailsItem1 = CreateObject("com.paypal.soap.api.PaymentDetailsItemType")
Dim paymentDetailsType
Set paymentDetailsType = CreateObject("com.paypal.soap.api.PaymentDetailsType")
pmtDetailsItemArray.SetField paymentDetailsType, "PaymentDetailsItem"
The COMUtil utility class facilitates populating enumerated values in request objects.
For example, suppose you want to specify US Dollars as the Currency type in a DoDirectPayment call. Without the COMUtil class, you would need to specify the integer value of the enumeration with code such as the following:
Set .Amount = CreateObject("com.paypal.soap.api.BasicAmountType")
.Amount.currencyID = 21
Instead, you can use the COMUtil class as follows:
Set util = CreateObject("com.paypal.sdk.COMNetInterop.COMUtil")
Set .Amount = CreateObject("com.paypal.soap.api.BasicAmountType")
.Amount.currencyID = util.GetEnumValue("CurrencyCodeType", "USD")
Sample Applications
The PayPal SDK includes sample applications in the SDK_root\samples\ASPNET or SDK_root\samples\ClassicASP folder. The samples are divided into subfolders by products.
Table C.6
Subfolder in SDK_Root\samples\ASPNET or ClassicASP
Sample API User with API Signature
The samples come with an API Signature for use with the SDK and the PayPal Sandbox. This API Signature belongs to the following user:
Sample API User and Certificate
The samples come with a PayPal Web Services API digital certificate for use with the SDK and the PayPal Sandbox. This certificate belongs to the following user:
Installing the Samples in IIS
To install the samples in Microsoft IIS:
For ASP.NET To enable logging, change the permissions on the localComputerName\ASPNET folder to Full Control.
For Classic ASP: To enable logging, for the user account that has anonymous access, change the permissions on the logs folder to Full Control. By default, this folder is named IUSER_localComputerName.
InstallSample.bat does the following:
Creates a virtual directory named PaypalASPNETSample or PaypalClassicASPSample in IIS that points to SDK_root\samples\ASPNET or ClassicASP.
Loads the sample API certificate SDK_root\samples\Certs\sdk-seller.p12 into the Microsoft Windows system store.
Uses the WinHttpCertCfg.exe command to grant unlimited access for account Everyone to that certificate .
Running the Samples
To run the samples, open one of the following URLs in an internet browser: