You can Top Up your account
with a simple bank transfer:

Go to "Top Up" section of your PayPal account to get the bank account details to make your bank transfer.

Go to your bank and initiate a simple transfer to the PayPal account given to you.

Within 2-5 days the funds are transferred to your PayPal account and you can start shopping.

Log in to your account to Top Up

New user? Create your PayPal

Shop without sharing your credit card
and bank account information

Free yourself from credit card transaction
so you can shop the way you want

No fees
PayPal does not charge you
for topping up your PayPal account

Manage your money
Top Up and spend the amount
you like, when you choose

Use PayPal to send and receive money worldwide. With over 150 million accounts worldwide we help you securely, easily and quickly pay and get paid locally and across borders. PayPal accepts 19 currencies in 190 markets.

Learn more!