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What is the PayPal Commerce Platform?

The PayPal Commerce Platform is a comprehensive payments solution for marketplaces, crowdfunding platforms, and other environments where people buy and sell goods and services or raise money. A marketplace allows buyers to purchase goods and services from multiple providers under the umbrella of a single partner. The solution is ideal if you run a multi-party commerce platform and want a flexible, end-to-end solution for processing payments.

The PayPal Commerce Platform supports a variety of common business types, including:
  • Physical goods
  • Services
  • E-commerce hosting services, such as payment processing and shopping cart hosting
  • Crowdfunding for personal projects or nonprofit ventures
As the partner, you manage the marketplace with the option of charging your merchants a service fee. Service fees provide revenue and fund the costs of operation, including:
  • Maintaining a technology infrastructure
  • Payment processing
  • Fraud and risk management
  • Customer protection
The PayPal Commerce Platform enables merchants to accept payments in multiple currencies across the globe. Customers can pay via credit or debit cards, local payment methods, or PayPal wallet payments. PayPal manages the risk inherent in processing payments. Our streamlined onboarding process gets merchants ready to accept payments quickly.

Refer to the developer documentation for more information about integrating the PayPal Commerce Platform.
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