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Why did I get API error code 10527?

PayPal returned API error code 10527 - Invalid Data - This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.

The Direct Payment API response includes this error message when the credit card information you're passing has problems. The problems can involve the card type (such as Visa, MasterCard, Amex, or Discover), the card number, or both.

To resolve this error, ensure that you're passing the correct card type and that the number format is correct for that credit card type. Make sure the Credit Card information is mapped to the Credit Card fields in your form. The following list has examples of card type or number format issues that would produce error code 10527:
  • Passing an Amex credit card number that begins with a number other than 3.
  • Passing a Visa credit card number that has more or fewer than 16 digits.
  • Passing white spaces in your card number in the API request. White space characters are treated as part of the card number.
See the Developer Portal for a complete list of NVP/SOAP API error codes.
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