Qendra e Ndihmës - Llogari personale

Why did I get result code 7?

PayPal returned result code 7.

Causes and Solutions
Multiple issues, explained in the next few paragraphs, can produce this error. Review the following scenarios based on your account type and error message, review the possible causes, and double-check the values in your API call.
Payflow Pro/Payflow Link Merchants
  • Field Format Error: Invalid information entered:
  • You entered a field name incorrectly. Review your code and verify the following details:
  • All field names are spelled correctly.
  • The data being passed is the proper length (if you're using length tags).
  • The parameter string being sent doesn't contain extra ampersands (&) or equal signs (=).
  • If data contains an ampersand or equal sign (for example, "Bill & Bob's Tackle Shop"), send the data using the length tag function.
  • Field Format Error: ORIGID missing:
  • Check that the transaction ID being passed in the ORIGID field is formatted correctly.
  • Check that the transaction ID matches the one in the original transaction.
  • Make sure the ID is not in uppercase. For example, "vaq1na52638456" is incorrect. The correct format is "VAQ1NA52638456."
  • Field Format Error: DL missing:
  • The driver's license number may be missing or invalid. Provide a valid license number.
  • For a TeleCheck transaction, the driver's license number must be included in the parameter string that is sent to PayPal for processing. Add the license number to the parameter string.
  • Field Format Error: AUTHCODE=XXXXX:
  • The authorization code is incorrect. Provide the correct code.
  • The voice authorization code (AUTHCODE) must be a six-digit number. Check that your code has six digits.
  • If digits are missing, contact your merchant bank, American Express, or Discover to find out if you need to add leading zeros.
  • Field Format Error: Web Credit Invalid, Result Code 7:
  • You used the wrong authorization method when trying to issue an AC credit. Change the authorization method to match the original transaction.
  • Authorization methods include:
  • Telephone (TEL) - Can't be refunded.
  • Internet (WEB) - Can't be partially refunded; only full refunds are allowed.
  • Re-presented Check Entry (RCK)
  • Other (PPD)
  • Field Format Error: Invalid FREQ:
  • The parameter string being passed in the PAYPERIOD field is formatted incorrectly. Reformat the string.
  • The parameter string contained lowercase letters. Check that all letters are uppercase.

PayPal Payments Advanced/PayPal Payments Pro Merchants This error may occur if you process through PayPal and send incorrect billing information; for example, if you send COUNTRY, MERCHANTCOUNTRYCODE or BILLTOCOUNTRY as “036” or “Australia.” Set these parameters using the two-character ISO standard (such as AU).  

See also:
RESULT Values and RESPMSG Text

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